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2002-12-06 | 11:18 p.m.

Aye aye aye, this has been a busy week! I am mad at myself for not writing more in this thing, because I really enjoy doing it. I think it helps me collect my thoughts about my current situation, but when I am busy, or sick, or overtaxed, I just can't manage to pull myself together for long enough to sustain an entry. Sigh.

This week I cooked. And baked. TONS! I baked my world-famous Oatmeal Applesauce Chocolate Chip cookies, and they were definitely a hit at the office. Carrie was over for dinner on Wednesday night--we had such a fun time. I made fettucine alfredo, garlic bread, and a vinagarette salad, and everything turned out very well. The best part was our conversation... which extended to 2:30 in the morning! We were taken back to our high school days when we would flaunt our parents' rules and stay out till the sun rose, talking about the world, sex, politics, sex, and sex.

I made Wild Rice Soup on Thursday night, and I will be eating leftovers for the next few days. It is so yummy. Potatoes, cheese, milk, onion, and wild rice. Definitely not a complicated recipe, but unbelievably good. Thanks for that one, Jude.

Now my cousin Rhea is in town for the weekend because she is in National Guard. I was a little nervous about her coming here because I've never really had a one-on-one conversation with her (she's four years younger than me). But we chatted like old friends, and now she is tucked away on my living room floor like a good little soldier, ready to spring to action at 6 AM tomorrow.

I am going to see a theater performance at the Arts High School tomorrow night. Well, first I am going to call Sarah to see if she still has spare tickets to the Bolshoi Ballet. If that doesn't work out, I'll hit Arts High, probably by myself. I guess I'll have to get used to that.

My friend Anne will be in town tomorrow!!! I am so excited--I haven't seen homegirl since July. I can't wait to shoot the shit and compare editorial notes, just like old times. I get to meet her man, too, which should be fun. Hmm, my straight-girl friends should keep their boyfriends away from me... I think my straight-boy fantasy is getting a little out of control.

Drama with my boy, but not worth going into now because everything is cool.

Drama at work, but a little too personal to go into in these pages.

Drama at Arts High, which really depressed me. I just learned the number of PCAE students who have attempted suicide over the past six years. I am disgusted and sobered.

Drama in my personal life, but definitely nothing I want to go into here or anywhere else.

Looking forward to my party next weekend, even if nobody shows up. We'll have a helluva fondue pot, right?

Santa told me that I'm getting the new Trivial Pursuit for Christmas, and now I lay awake at night shivering with excitement. Literally.

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