square square
2004-07-28 | 11:32 p.m.

I just came back from the weekend in my old college town with my old college ex-boyfriend. It was lots of fun. We've been broken up for a year now and this was the first time we've seen each other since last May.

There was lots of sex.

In fact, there was so much sex that at one point I made a joke about sex and we both cringed, because we were so sick of having sex.

I can't believe that this was a complaint, but it was!

Monica asked me a good question tonight: were you more happy to see him or to have sex? The honest answer is that I was the most happy to see him. I really miss him, because he was (and maybe still is) my best friend in a lot of ways. We speak the same language. All weekend long we kept saying stupid jokes at the exact same moment. I haven't laughed so hard in a really long time. The weekend was really ideal.

I'm still glad we broke up. He's starting law school in a few weeks, I hope to be starting a different law school next year. The only thing that has changed since I broke up with him is that I've had my much-touted "dating" experience. Until this past year I had only been in long-term, committed relationships. I had never just "dated." Now I have.

And it fucking sucks.

But I still feel like there is somebody out there who is better for me than my ex. I can't throw in the "dating" towel yet. He looked gorgeous, the sex was fantastic, our personalities kept clicking... but there was still something missing. I can't put my finger on it yet, but there's a hole that remains.


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