square square
2004-02-16 | 11:52 p.m.

I had a lovely day today. I went to my writing group, where they critiqued Chapter 3 of my novel. In all it was good--they have lots of constructive criticism. What I need to know right now is what makes sense, what doesn't make sense, what is believable/unbelievable, etc. They are very good about not getting too bogged down in the details, because all that stuff will change in the end anyways when I rewrite it.

After that I went to Southdale to return some stuff at my favorite clothes store. The cute manager who (sort of) flirted with me when I was there a few weeks ago (really) flirted with me this time. He came right up to me, and when I showed him what I was returning he said, "I sold that do you, didn't I?" I commented on his amazing memory, and he said, "I remember some people..." Hehehehe... It was fun randomly flirting. I almost gave him my number, but then decided it wasn't that big of a deal. If I go back again and he's there I might do it.

After that I met Colleen in Uptown, where we ate, then went to a new wine/dessert bar called Zena or something like that. It was pretty fun, very laid back. We sat and chatted for a few hours about EVERYTHING! It's so much fun having a friend who is also a co-worker... we can gossip about everybody at work in complete confidence. After that we went shopping in Uptown for awhile. I bought used copies of Mussorgsky and Rachmaninoff CDs at Cheapo. Yay!

Random voicemail interrupted my lovely day, however. It was from New Boy, who I had filed under the "Old Boy" category after our terse conversation a few weeks ago. He basically hung up on me when I asked him, "Do you see this going anywhere?" I assumed that I would never hear from him again because he has a lot of pride. I couldn't imagine himself crawling back to me by doing something so unimaginable as CALLING me.

Well, he did. His voicemail was pretty brief--he basically just said that his cancer test came back negative, and that he thought he'd let me know because he knew that I had been concerned about his health. Then he just trailed off and said, "Yeah, so I guess that's it. Bye."

Nothing like "Call me back" or "Hope to see you soon" or anything like that. He's so strange.

I called back and left a voicemail, but I'm SO apathetic right now. I have resigned myself to the fact that he is out of my life, and I am totally comfortable with that. He's sort of a jerk, he's not that fun (because I don't understand him), and I deserve WAY better.

But DAMN the sex was good.............

So you can see my dilemma. Asshole guy, lots of drama (if I let it get to that point)... but good sex. Or I could just ignore him forever and I'd be just as happy. With less sex. What's a 24-year old boy to do??

I know that I can do better, so even if we did strike it up again it would just be temporary until I find a guy who's more along my lines. I was having a "Hey, I'm not so ugly after all" day today. I felt like I was getting looks from guys everywhere I went, and I was returning them. Maybe I'm finally coming into my own as a flirt. I used to be SO bad at it because I had low self-esteem and I thought guys would laugh me out of the room if I made any sort of indication that I like them. Now I don't feel so schlumpy, especially after I was able to pick up New Boy, a complete stranger, on my own social graces and looks. Hmm, will have to think about this some more.

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