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cuddling season
2003-12-12 | 12:05 a.m.

I have reached a new low. I am SO trying to avoid writing that tonight I have...

1. Invited a friend over for dinner

2. Chatted until really late

3. Cleaned my whole apartment

4. Chatted on the phone with my mom for an hour

5. Tried to meet the man of my dreams on the Internet--hah!

6. Checked a million times...

7. Practiced my "Big Band Christmas" piano music, and now

8. Written a lame diaryland entry.

I obviously would rather do ANYTHING but write. I have to submit to my writing group tomorrow, and everything so far has been crap. Crap crap crap. I don't have writer's block, I'm not uninspired, it's not that I don't have ideas--it's just that everything coming out of my fingers is big ol' crap.

In other news, I sent two messages to guys that I thought were cute on my dating service, but neither has written me back yet. I keep referring back to my profile to see what's wrong with it. I think it's pretty funny, accessible, and non-threatening. My pics aren't that bad. I seem to be right for these guys. But no messages. I think it is God telling me that I don't need to date right now. That I work ten hour days, then come home and (allegedly) write, so there's no point in trying to start a relationship now.

But it's CUDDLING season! Doesn't God realize this? As soon as the sweaters come on and the corny Christmas music starts playing, I want a man in my arms to snuggle with. Maybe I can just rent one when it is convenient for my schedule.

Oh wait, that's called a "prostitute." Never mind.

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