square square
those are shoes, by the way
2003-10-30 | 9:49 p.m.

Yay! My fish template is back! Despite my irrational fear of fish, this template just puts a smile on my face and a spring in my step. I've even been known to click my heels together like a leprachaun from time to time.

I haven't been sleeping at all recently. Factors:

1. Caffeine.

2. ANXIETY! Between work and this date thing, I'm a wreck. I wish I was one of those casual people who never has to put any thought or worry into things. Even though that would most likely make me a lazy, unemployed slob, it sometimes seems better. I lay awake at night obsessing about things I can't control, such as...

a. Am I getting fat? Okay, you're right.. I CAN control that. [stuffs leftovers of large, pan-style Cheese-Lovers' pizza back in the fridge]

b. Am I going bald? That's just the gay in me talking, never mind.

c. Now that I demanded a raise from my boss, will she hate me? This is quintessential couchmobile. God forbid somebody doesn't like me. Which brings me to...

d. What if the guy on Saturday doesn't like me? This is the one I really can't bear to think about. I think I'm a pretty agreeable fellow. Most people don't hate me, and those that do are probably ugly anyways so I don't care. I think my biggest weakness in this area is that I try too hard. Rather than let things just flow naturally, I go into situations like these thinking, "He will like me, dammit!!" Which brings me back to...

e. Why can't I be one of those totally laid back types? But I'm not. So I will continue to lose sleep. My longest night of sleep this week was five hours, which blissfully came to me last night. Maybe I need to start smoking pot and watch Scooby Doo reruns.

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