square square
vinton & naomi
2003-01-25 | 9:12 a.m.

The award-winning quote of the night: (warning--won't be funny to anybody who doesn't know the parties involved)

Magen: "Nikolina, you're just jealous of me because I'm as cool as you AND I drink!"

God I wish I had been there to see that.

Slept with Magen again, in a non-sexual, non-committal way. Woke up at 8 AM and here I sit, 9 AM, wide awake.

I'm going to a dinner party tonight at my friend Toni's house. It will be me and a bunch of her law school friends. Maybe I'll find myself a man who can support my extravagant lifestyle.

Other random news: There was a waiter at the bar last night who looked EXACTLY like Bubba from "Mama's Family"!

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