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they say it's your birthday
2003-01-05 | 2:06 p.m.

Wow, I'm really having an obsessive Diaryland weekend. Checking my buddy list every few hours for updates. Yikes. Thank god I'm going to "Chicago" today so I can get my mind off the information superhighway. (Isn't it sad that that phrase has slipped out of usage?)

I'm trying to come up with something very clever for my birthday next weekend, but I've come up with nothing. My best idea so far is: "Go to a bar." Hmm. Maybe dinner before hand. I'm thinking about making a dinner at my house, since I know some of my friends can't afford to go out for dinner AND drinks. But I've been doing a lot of entertaining at my apartment in the last few weeks and I think my vacuum cleaner will spontaneously combust if it is used once more this month. We'll see.

Any fabulous ideas? Drop me a line to let me know!

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