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i've had a little to drink...
2002-10-17 | 11:27 p.m.

Okay, so I've had a few glasses of wine, and you know what that means.... late-night confession time! If I were actually with real people right now, this would be the point in the evening that I would start saying things like, "You're SO beautiful and you don't even know it!", or, "My daddy never loved me!", or, better yet, "Wanna come home with me and check out my plumbing?" But I'm not with real people, and therein lies the problem.

I have been living at "home" for a few months now. I graduated college and was forced to move in with my parents due to a lousy job market. My goal to move to Minneapolis and start a career had to be shelved, despite the quadrillion resumes I have shoved in the mailbox. It hasn't been all that bad, truth be told. I have time to read a lot of books, watch a lot of pay-per-view movies, eat a couple free meals, living completely free of responsibility of any sort. Sounds great, right?

Well... right. It has been pretty nice. I thought I would go crazy having no purpose in life, but I am sort of getting accustomed to staying up till 4 A.M. watching terrible Skinemax flicks, and then waking up whenever the sun spills over my eyes, or Judge Judy is on the television, or both.

But in the past few weeks I have become a little disenchanted with my life. Among the worst feelings has been that when I wake up, I often realize that I have absolutely no reason to get out of bed, shave, and take a shower. Who cares? Nobody will see me besides my mom and maybe my dad. And I have nothing to do besides dink around the house, watching people on TV who have jobs and friends and lives.

This is especially hard coming from college, where I had a live-in boyfriend, lots of friends, and a totally packed schedule with lots of responsibility. I went from CRAZY on one day to blase on the next.

However, I will soon be in the land of milk and honey, which is, pathetically enough, Minneapolis for me. I can't wait to live in a city again, with lots of people, activities, museums, concerts, public transportation (sort of), airports, etc. Thanks to a promising lead on a job at my old high school, I may soon be living in Uptown and clubbing on my nights off. Ah, to mingle with real people once more. For now, I guess my late-night confessions will have to fall on deaf (or electronic) ears.

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